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Four years ago (when the video linked below was taken), I really had my life together! All the faith in the world, a gusto of ambition and a social media firecracker, I was in steady flow with the Universe and my wishes were coming true! I loved what I did because I did what I loved and all the positive-vibe “do what you want” blog posts were true!

BODYbybianca, Inc. had grown into a successful international business, I had more money saved in the bank than ever before and I had freed myself of the brick prison in which I was born (New York City) moved to sunny South Florida and was about to embark on another life changing adventure with a grandiose move to Nicaragua, the country which would swallow My Love and change my life forever.

What I see in this video is a little girl, innocent and naive with no experience of tragedy. About eight months after this video was taken, once all of my childhood dreams had come true and I was over the moon in love… Boom! May 3, 2015. I hit rock bottom.

I was caught with my love in the greatest oceanic storm I have never seen depicted on film to this day. I saw a human being I loved, the one my soul married, struggle for his life beside my own fight and vanish from my sight. And, I died.

Soon after I was disowned by his family, the family who had welcomed me as an oncoming daughter and sibling, the mother I had sent pictures of my dream wedding gown to just days earlier and the grandmother I had already formed an attachment to in my heart, having imagined us cooking breakfast together for the boys in her home in Colorado Springs. I had never had grandparents like Kevin’s, and for me, Grandma Pat was another dream come true! I could not wait to hug her as I imagined it would feel like Kevin was again in the room.

July Forth, 2015: en route to Pike’s Peak and grandma’s embrace, I sat in a Starbucks coffee shop, lost and alone in Golden, Colorado. Bear was beside me and Preçiosa was in a cat carrier under my chair, when Grandma Pat’s husband answered the phone: “You are not our granddaughter,” he said, “and if you come here, we will turn you away.” From broken to shattered, to dust..the wind blew what was left of me away on that day.

After three years, I will tell you, there is no returning to life before tragedy. The following day from The Storm, I held Kevin’s body, drift ashore on the deserted once-perceived to be paradise beach I had called home in Nicaragua. There is no unseeing what I have seen.

Six months ago and three years from The Storm, I began the process of releasing Kevin’s ashes with two fierce female teachers and healers in the cloud forest above Alejuela, Costa Rica under the umbrella of my yoga teacher and supporter Jimmy Barkan and his class of student teachers. The Release has been a cathartic process.

Last week, with the support of two friends, one old and one new, I continued this release at a waterfall in Northern Colorado, now closer to the summit of Pike’s Peak, where Kevin had prophesied in his journal he would propose to me and where for the last three years I have been journeying to marry a man who is under the Sea, and to release the last material remains of my beloved.

Like a feather blown by the wind, the waves of the 2015 storm knocked my feet out from under me and since, my steps have not been my own. While I used to stomp through the runway of life with ease and deliberate confidence that my direction was indeed my own, over the last three years I have rarely been sure of where I was in time or space or where I was going and why.

The tidal wave thrust me from a sunny beach in Central America to snowcapped mountains in Colorado, a journey across the United States twice and a drive through nine countries including Southeast Asia where Mother India and dear Nepal took me in for seventeen months, giving me the security to leave this worldly plane and soul soar high above previously realized material existence. I died, and I left my body, and India was the perfect place to allow for this flight.

A once self-proclaimed Adrenalin junkie and adventurer who could not sit still to meditate for five minutes, my body having broken and my soul having slipped through the hole my love’s loss had created, stripped of physical existence and renounced from the material world, sitting was all I could manage and for days on end I sat quite naturally and peacefully in India, often taking for myself no food nor water. I had no complaint, and while sleeping outdoors on concrete floors outside temple doors, I experienced gratitude for the Love, because of Kevin, I now knew, and held, and life was beautiful.

India fed me. After one year, I became physically ill without any remaining will to care for my being though incapable of being idle in the presence of suffering. I fed others and survived off the handouts of others for myself. Friend Elvin Hugi Ottokar Hansen recalls running into me while I was stealing food (I made multiple runs!) from a “high class” hotel “benefit” (to benefit the woman throwing the party) to feed homeless (and legless) babas and guru-bhaiyas (guru-brothers) on the street in Topovan, Rishikesh, India. In my lehenga choli and veil (traditional Indian skirt and blouse with half-saree veil of sheer silk), I sat barefoot on city pavement feeding as many homeless as were present and hungry. “Chai?” baba would ask after finishing a heaping plate of luxurious mixed Indian cuisine catered up to suit the Western appetite, and there was nothing to say, but to nod and walk back into the hotel, up the stairs to the banquet hall, smile at the socializing crowd of “do-gooders,” pour a glass or two and return hands full for baba. It is not a meal without chai… I get it. Though I did not know it at the time, acting insight of suffering and not for want or collection of merit, this action is called Karma Yoga; karma literally means “action.” By watching the hungry eat, I lost hunger. This is #karma.

Elvin (pictured in the foreground) captured our meeting after I had shared one of such meals with double amputee guru-bhaiya (pictured to my right) below:

feeding baba

February 2017. Over one year spent in India, exhausted and penniless on the streets of Haridwar, India, now sleeping in a tiny street-illegal car with a street dog named Raaja, I was given new clothes. The time was the annual Shiva Ratri week-long celebration for God Consciousness. Over the course of this most Holy week, from my feet to the cover of my head, I was clothed by three monks within three temples over three days, in the saffron robes of the Swami. Each piece of my three piece dress lain over with a blanket was a variation of saffron (deep orange lungi or cloth wrapped as a skirt, yellowish orange men’s kurta or tunic, light salmon-like pink ghumta, or veil *the color variation representing Sadhu families of Southern, Central and Northen India – I was literally the united nations of Sadhus).


Saffron is the color of sannyāsa (renunciation of worldly possessions) because it is the color material will go up in flame presenting the impermanence of material wealth, returning only as ash, which now cleansed of greed is worshipped by nagas and aghoris. I was renamed Ganga by the Giri sect of naga yogis who live in caves and small duni-centered dwellings (duni is a sacred fire) often apart from the world tucked into the Himalayan range. Naga means “naked,” and Naga babas (baba means father, *most nagas are solitary-living men) are yogis who live naked and covered in sacred ash for warmth and protection from the elements, or are adorned (especially when traveling) by one waste cloth called lungi resembling a skirt or even more minimally by a loincloth called langot tied to simply cover the lingham (male sex organ), testes and anus. Having overcome desire, there is no perversion in baba’s pure presence and nudity has no effect on the awareness of the witness, nor the witnessed. Combine this empowerment, with life in satsang–truth:sat, company:sang(ha)–and there is no room for distortion of one’s true relationship to an other as father, mother, sister, brother, daughter, son. And when there is no room for distortion of our True Nature, all that is left is the unbound comfort of infinite spaciousness. That is what baba feels like: infinite…spaciousness… Hence, naked men can be fathers quite naturally in the presence of beautiful, often younger women (sometimes even older women will carry daughter-energy for a baba, other times mature women of any age may be a mata:mother or didi:sister/”experience-Equal” to baba). A celibate fatherless daughter, I carry the ash of my late Love in an amulet at my chest, so it is no coincidence that I found in baba, my Ash Fathers (notice: what is singular is plural, and what is plural is singular. In Truth, He is One and All; in humanity, he is one and many). Baba worshipped the ash and I sat in speechless awe of His beauty and His Grace. In Western society, we are taught that one is either masculine or graceful, and that gracefulness in an inherently feminine trait. Grace has no gender. Imagine the energy of a fiercely disciplined warrior with the grace of a classically trained dancer. This is #baba. S/He who masters the balance and joining:yog of masculine and feminine into One is guru. This is #Tantra. There was no English spoken and yet, as if by Divine translation, I understood all as if all had been written within, from ages ago. This is #yoga.

Saddhvi wo blanket

Ghumta with Raaja and car

It is said that survival is “fight or flight.” In the storm, tossed left and right, without breath and swallowing large amounts of water, in the face of death, I fought. Then… Flew.

Now, no longer in flight, I have descended from the highest heights of my knowledge into what I have called a corpse-like cage. For the last year, little Bianca has been pushing and prodding her way back into frame. “Why this descent?” I ask mysoul, my Lord. I spent quite sometime preventing this reunion of soul and frame for what I believed was a de-evolution from infinite formlessness into a limited reality bound by skin, the egoic and dreaded material consciousness, a lapse in my enlightenment. Is this my fall from Grace?

It has been a year since the time Bianca has sprung again into the picture. I recognize her as Ganga’s ego. Even her name means White Queen. She wants to play dress up, be adorned and adored, touched and made love to and kissed into the night. Ganga, through her travels was groped, though she never had desire for touch. Ganga had no desire at all: not for money, nor food, nor a bed to lay in at night. Impartial to difference, Ganga experienced all as the same (in English, Buddhists call this empowerment “one-taste”). Ganga was a true:sat sādhvi (female sādhu), a renounced and practiced ascetic and mendicant (monk); still, Ganga was. Natha Deva, never a name taken, was and is, not. Natha is full-y nothing and Perfect. Bianca, a cosmic actress in the illusive play (Māyā), wants to take on roles like girlfriend and wife, mother. Bianca experiences happiness apart from sadness, while Ganga experiences nothing and Natha Deva is .

Sultana Bianca is fully human and after THREE YEARS, FOUR MONTHS AND TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS (1246 days) since El Tormenta (The Storm)…





And, it feels good!

If you would like to know more about this story and support the process of compiling three years of journaling interwoven with a chronological journey of trauma and recovery into a book detailing the walkabout in and out of material existence through renunciation and into the tantric lap of Vajrayana, returning to form, please send your support through comments and messages or PayPal a financial pledge to I predict the book will take three to six months of dedicated effort to realize. It is my dream to realize this effort in solitary Winter retreat, confined to and snowed into a lone cabin in the woods. Financial support can be sent through PayPal to the dedicated email and PayPal account reserved exclusively for this project: With over 2500 friends on Facebook, just $3 will get me on my way to making the budget needed to accomplish this goal.

Thank you.

Sati’s Story

  3 May 2016. 03.05.2016

One year ago today, mid-9 am, I published a story about My Love on It remains the last story shared on this page. His name is Kevin Gustavson. Precisely 2 hours later and one day early for our flight to be married, Kevin drowned in the ocean on Playa Maderas, Nicaragua. About one hour from now.
There has been one story floating around international press that Kevin drowned saving his girlfriend. The only thing the reporter got right are our ages. Kevin, 26. I am 33, then.

Did Kevin save me?


So, what happened?

So in love, Kevin and I are sitting in a café in the morning light of the most beautiful place. At once in the jungle and on the beach, we are in my home village in Nicaragua; mi amo Nicaragua y los Nicaraguenses, todos amigos, la playa, las olas, la musica de Pirata, LA Furgoneta Gitana Pirata Lopez. Playa Maderas was ranked in 2015 by Men’s Journal as the Top 1 destination for surf in the world; it is the first mainstream publication to mention the break at Maderas and if you ask me, the beginning of the end of the humble surf/fishing village with and in which I fell instantly, and quite magically, in love. Maxim Magazine follow with top five or ten by the end of last year, and boom!

The waves were bad, and by “bad,” I mean good. Very, very good; all leading to a very good life. I loved to surf los olas de Maderas. 

Rest assured, today is not that kind of a day. Today the ocean was calm…until The Storm. There’s more to the story, like all of the gut feelings. The words Kevin and I shared, along with the ones in my head. I remember every last warning as daggers in my mind and how Kevin calmed my every worry with two words.

“Kevin, should we take one final dip in the ocean?”

– the voice in my mind says, ‘no don’t go. Get in the truck–you’ve already opened the door. Take this man up the hill, pack your belongings and fly home to marry him.’ To be His Wife is all I ever wanted to do, truly. To be His wife is really all I know to do. Truly. You can call me a romantic, or you can leave it to science, philosophy and the commonly misrepresented, TANTRA. Tantra is not sex and a tantric practice is not about sex (please don’t be fouled by wolves in baba’s clothing – men, black inside, robbing your light to shine, they are everywhere. Ask yourself, ‘is he orange on the inside?’ Discern and decide.) Tantra is the Oneness created in perfect unison of the Lord Masculine with His Devine Feminine. *Our Grace, is our Gift.* 

Kevin was the only man for whom I would have left Nicaragua to return to the States. Never did I plan on returning to the U.S. Theirs, is a footpath I have already traveled. Trust, my heart bears the thorns in her path. The Statue of Liberty stands somberly misplaced in the jailhouse courtyard and place of my birth. Have you ever seen Her face? Her dis-grace? Cold eyes and a chiseled jawline, she is a man whose lips turn down; a knowing snarl, depressed into a frown. With longing in her eyes the woman in the warrior watches us and while she waits for us, in her heart, she cries for us.] 

“Why not?!” Kevin says in exclaiming confirmation, closing the door to the truck; His, was never a question. He smiles. My Love was always smiling, always happy, always looking at me. In All ways, Kevin Scott Gustavson is full, in Love. He is a man complete, if you must know what we already knew, what I know; so perfect under God, he stands beside Him as he follows Him. He is my husband and I love him. In Sanskrit, GUSTAV is God and Kevin means Handsome, and…

Kevin was a handsome version of You. Kevin is beautiful today and always changing. I see him all the time and yet I don’t see him like I used to and for this I also need strength as my clinging humanity teaches me I must not hold on by doing precisely that – holding on. We cut strings to forms of life in order to see that life is all forms. Life, we hold. All illusions created by any decision of such is an attachment unsuitable for the growth of our kind. Mankind. In the “Spiritual Quest,” we learn: Simplify. The problem comes when too long is spent in “quest” and not enough spent in realization of Life. I call it, simply, Truth. And I will tell you what: Truth is Singular. 

There is only one Truth which exists in one True Love. Making True Love redundant as there is only one – Love.

Kevin was my Man. I would follow him anywhere. Likewise, I am his woman and for me, He will always come. Back on the beach, 2015…

“Why not.” I repeated Kevin’s words in my head. Though this time, I believe I was speaking To the voice and not from it.


There is so much more… I’ll tell you now, before I lose power that this picture was taken two days ago by a man named Kewin, pronounced Kevin, with whom I climbed Manang mountain; growing to love’s highest heights.

Nearing 11 am on May 3rd, Today, one year from the last, Kevin flies Home. So, we have already said our goodbyes.

The irony Is the beauty.

I said, “Kevin, I’ll see you later.” 

One week earlier in Manang Village, Nepal… In bed with a flu five thousand meters high in the sky, Kevin, looking at me says, “I know You. I know Where you are.” I ask, “how do you know know? When I don’t even know where I am.” And, as I will forever recall, “Da-ling, you are Still, on a Beach, in Nicaragua.” And with Kevin, still, on this beach on the top of a mountain of Nepal in Nicaragua, I felt Home.

…and somewhere in Denmark, a Garden Home awaits her Queen.


So, what to do, Kathmandu? 

I am grateful. 

For in Nepal, 

I learned

To roll

A proper joint.

…and for a disabled dog|god named Raaja and his White Sultana, a joint is connective. Truth is a very, very good thing. xx😘
An excerpt from my novel, which now has a name:

Sati’s Story

It’s a story of love and the meaning of giving.

*(In ancient tribal Nepali tradition: a Sati is a Sainted woman, whose body is returned to ash beside her passed husband. A right of passage…a means of torture). 

A Widow. A Mother. A Martre.

Do you see my butterfly as she rests in my hand? I named her Zoe, after the last letter, zeda of our alphabet. Zoe is a beautiful relic, reminding me:

“In the End, it is only the Beginning.”

– Sati’s Story, by Bianca Sultana. 



Relationships Are Easy

So, my mom writes: “Relationships are hard work.”

And to that I call: “Bullshit!”

“Kevin and I are different than other couples. It’s not going to be hard work being together,” is my reply.

In fact, WHY does our society accept such low standards for ourselves? Why does society promote these standards? Don’t we ALL want to be happy? To live life easy? But everyday we try to convince ourselves accepting the opposite of what we want is okay (is okay okay?), that an easy relationship is not possible because that is how They keep us in line, working productively for Their behalf. So, who are They? They are 3-4 families at the top of the food chain, the human pyramid where They eat YOU. Everyone else is just Their slave and slaves work better when paired as a couple. Marriage offers comfort along with distraction. What happens when you are comfortable and distracted? You miss Their tricks. Mind control. That’s why people get married even when they are not in true love. So, what is true love? I’m convinced 99.9999999% of you have no clue. We’re taught true love only exists in the movies, and even then we are shown a picture in which true love kills, it consumes itself thereby lasting only for a short time (Romeo & Juliet being the most known example, of which there are many). So, we settle. We settle because we are scared, which is exactly what They want since we are more productive paired. They control us through fear. Fears can be sparked by an ad in the paper, an article, a billboard, a movie… Their game is tight! They plant the fear of being single in us, so we marry. Literally, we “settle”-down. Settle-down? “Settle-down” is something busy parents tell rambunctious children to shut them up. I am not settling. I have never settled in anything in my life, especially not love.

On Monday, the twenty-seventh of April in the year 2015, the man of my dreams asked the best man in my life for my hand in marriage. My “best man” and best friend for whom I wrote The Prince And The Pea, will be walking me down the aisle.


I am, officially, the luckiest girl in the world!


Together in Love!


Friends! Family! Loved Ones! I’ve been quiet, I know. A rarity, I know. I have turned my attention inside to heal and find peace in silence. Though I have not written, I have been with you in love up close and from afar. Wherever I am, wherever you are, We Are. Together in Health and in Love. Always. In All ways. Through my writing, which you can follow on my blog, or in person as a guest in my home, WHEREVER I AM, wherever I roam: I invite you into my life. My Home.

The last year of my life has been dedicated to learning the ways, joys and freedom of love and out of love’s expression, where fear does not reside, came a knowing. Knowing that while I have suffered the pangs of loneliness, of confusion, abuse, betrayal, abandonment and of pain, that I have never, ever, been alone. I have been guided and PROTECTED my entire existence. I had to walk this journey from New York, to Florida, to Nicaragua, Home on my own (though never alone). I had to leave my Earthbound parents, and accept that they had left me, so that I might know my true Mother and Father. Mine is not a journey started in a Church or fueled by a book. It all started when I found the courage to say, “YES” to life with full belief and in trust. I now walk hand in hand with my Father, The Creator on my left and I hold firmly my Child on my right, though if you know me, you know my child generally dances within me and is responsible for my many adventures and MISadventures! A mischievous and curious girl. I am. My Mother is with me. All around me, I live in her embrace. She is everywhere as Mother Earth, Mother Nature, The Universe. She is beautiful. I am her reflection, as I know I am yours. This last year has been magic, but it has also been work. Racing thoughts, revelations… “Teach me! Heal me! Guide me! Yes..YEs… YES!!!” A lot of writing, a lot of sharing, a lot of love in the hope we may grow together. Now with my lessons in my heart, I knew about a month ago the time had come to shut them off. I have happiness in love for all, now I seek peace, silence and rest. So I thought I was lead to Costa Rica, to return to the place where I met the first Guide who would come into my life, a Medicine Man named Tin and the woman, a Healer, Katya, my mother Mary and my sister child, who healed my broken heart, but that is not the case as I would come to find I was lead to lead. Literally. I lead my Twin here so that he may know better my experience but also to heal from his own. My Flame’s name is Kevin, but in my story turned ours, he is The Prophet.

Much has happened this week as was always intended. Thank you Jimmy Barkan, Creator of the Barkan Method (with studios the world over) for once again believing in me, loving me and gifting me this experience that now two years in a row has changed my life. The physically and mentally challenging sequence of your yoga opens my BODY allowing my love to soar from my heart and in turn providing the channel for love’s receipt. You transport me into the place my work can be done. Thank you for last year’s lessons and this year’s silence. I have found the Piece for which I have come. I am now One.

Together in Peace!
(One Piece)













I Like You. But I Like Him Too.

You haven’t chose me. We’re not married. But, you see me with another man and you want to lay claim over me? Why must you possess me and not enjoy me in the time we share together. The time I gift you. Because, you see….

I like you.

But, I like him too.


I have said it many times, there is a position open in my life for ONE Man. I thrive in a relationship. It is natural for me to care for you thoroughly. To feed you, caress you, take care of you, are all the things I love to do. But, I am single and in the past, my MO is to get into monogamous relationships with the first boy that doesn’t mind when I stick around longer than a night or two. These relationships all seem to last two years, which leaves me two years older. So, now, I am the picker and I won’t settle for comfort when that which I seek is love that is true.

I have loved, but I don’t know whether I have ever been in love. To be in love, I believe, is a two-way street and there has not been a man in my life that has loved me in the same capacity that I have shown.

Recently, the way in which I love has changed. I have learned that to love is to appreciate and not to possess. There was a time I strangled love to death. Fear of love lost drove me toward possession. But, people are not possessions and love is the antithesis of fear. My love is free because I love freely.

“A rose possessed will always die.”

Together in Love!

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Feed the One you Love

His and Hers.


Hers is the BODYbybianca Power Pancake complete with fresh ginger, cinnamon, chia seeds, almonds, cacao, banana, raisins and topped with local raw honey. With the exception of the honey drizzle, seeds sprinkled on top and raisins and cacao chopped and folded in, all the ingredients are blended into the batter with two eggs and 1/4-1/3 cup dry oatmeal in place of flour, this is truly the healthiest pancake ever!

His is an egg scramble with onion, tomato and loads of fresh garlic to nurse the flu I’ve been battling (lovers share). Both plates have my favorite sweet plantains, tossed in cinnamon then pan fried in raw coconut oil and honey, sprinkled with chia seeds and love.

As a woman there is no bigger turn on then watching a man devour a meal I have prepared for him, a meal designed to nurture, grow and heal him. In life I have found that the love I give is directly proportionate to the love I receive. So… I GIVE. LOVE. A LOT of it. As much as I have and as often as possible. In turn, I have a beautiful life. Blessed with beautiful food, lovers and friends.

Feed the One(s) you Love.

Together in Health!

More Clean Eats recipes on Facebook:


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Presence Is A Gift You Give Yourself

When you look back to the past or attempt to fast forward toward a glimpse of the future, you miss the beauty surrounding you.

Being PRESENT is my current self-work. I am forever Life’s student; I am a work in progress. Each moment I am present is a time of evolution: I learn, I grow… As my heart expands, my senses heighten. As my love is offered, more love received. Things I never noticed take form before me, new sounds and smells abound me. I am a Lady. I am a Warrior. I am evolving into all I am intended to be. The full, unadulterated ME.

Plan a trip with your friends and family or join me for one of our scheduled retreats or yoga teacher trainings. Check our schedule of offerings at

I await you.

Together in Health!


Oats And Eggs


BODYbybianca “Oats & Eggs” are on the menu at Nica Yoga in various forms! This is the healthy breaky I made this morning for myself and my guests. What is your fave way to get your eggs and oats?

I chop fresh ginger and almonds into my oats while they’re cooking, then toss in raisins, cinnamon, a spoon of my favorite jam, a little bit of fruit and some raw honey. Add a runny fried egg or egg whites for protein! Serve with coffee (obvi!) and fresh homemade pineapple juice sans sugar.

This is a nutritious meal and the best way to start an active day!

Together in Health!


The Calm After The Storm

And… All of a sudden, a calm just came over me…

No. Seriously, two weeks ago (when I accepted the position of General Manager at Nica Yoga!!!), my world got flipped on its head, my wishes and dreams had come true, but my head felt fried! There was so much to do, I often felt I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t know which way was up or down, left or right. My head was spinning in so many directions… I would not have made it without YOU. ALL of you. From NY to FL to NICA to COSTA, I don’t have many friends (I don’t need a lot), but I have the best ones. Thank you.

And as I spoke my subconscious mind to a date one week ago tonight, “October 16, I’m going Home.”

A mis amigos especiales de Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, lo siento mucho por el todo lo que ocurre en su playa en estos momentos. Mi corazón está con ustedes. Yo no voy a mudar a Manuel Antonio como lo prometí, pero voy a estar justo al lado de San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. #TeAmo.


BODYbybianca Takes Over Nica Yoga October 16

Dearest Friend,

I waited on calling on you because I thought I might be ok. You know how hard it is for me to ask for Help. I also know that you Trust I am a Good Investment. As… BODYbybianca, Inc. is now the Face and Personality/basically the Brand behind “Nica Yoga,” Nicaragua’s First and Only Yoga/Surf Lodge. Everything I have ever worked for, I am getting. Everything I WISHED for; the Universe heard me!
THIS IS MY PATH TO FOLLOW. Knowing that feels great. It’s going to be hard work and I am going to Love Every Minute of it. I  not only Depend On, but Count On my Friends for their Support and generosity as I grow this business Beyond YOUr Wildest Dreams! And to the many who have helped me so far… Thank you.

I never forget Love and kindness,


I Aspire to Inspire.

The pictures are me detailing and power washing a 90′ yacht in the boat yard. Anything I can do in these last days to RAISE MONEY for this life move. I AM PREPARED TO TAKE YOU THERE. ARE YOU PREPARED TO FOLLOW ME?

If you’ve read this far and you wish to donate to the Spear Gun Fund 🙂 PayPal to See you in Nica!

Bianca Sultana
Fitness Evangelist | Clean Eats Chef | Coach | Now, General Manager,
Founder, BODYbybianca Training System by BODY By Bianca, Inc. |
Twitter: @BiancaSultana & @BODYbybianca
Instagram: @BiancaSultana